Reuters Video: Ice, ice baby | Reuters News Agency

Reuters Video: ice, ice baby

From frosty greetings to parliamentary suspension, we cover the news that matters.

REUTERS/Francois Lenoir

By Yann Tessier |  Oct 01, 2019

A warm welcome?

The eyes of the world were on the UN climate action summit taking place last week. Whilst there were several important moments, Greta Thunberg continues to dominate headlines. From the off, her condemnation was clear. Greta’s impassioned address damned the modern appetite for consumption and challenged world leaders to take action. 

Hurtling to global infamy, Reuters journalists captured the moment of obvious displeasure as Greta Thunberg encountered President Donald Trump. 

This Reuters video set the tone for the coverage of the UN summit; generating heavy traffic for our clients on both social media and website, Reuters delivered unrivaled quality and was a defining moment for our audiences.    

Taken by New York videographer, Andrew Hofstetter, he said: 

As I saw her I immediately zoomed in and got a shot of her. I was under the impression that Trump was to arrive shortly and thought that Greta was there to possibly say hello to him”.

Andrew only became aware of Trump turning up when he heard the commotion that surrounds the President. “I quickly zoomed out to include Trump. It was simply a knee-jerk reaction!.” 

The quality of this shot is a tribute to the skill of so many of our videographers.

The composition is just right there. You have to be a great cameraman to not mess it up, jerking the camera in all the wrong ways. He was just able to zoom back and get Trump in the shot,said Catherine Koppel our Senior Producer in New York.

Turbulence for Thomas Cook

Thomas Cook’s future remains turbulent. The scale of the company’s grim demise has been well documented. Its collapse has left almost 200,000 tourists stranded overseas, resulting in the largest peacetime repatriation in history. 

Due to the global ramifications of Thomas Cook’s liquidation, the story has required stories that cover angles across half a dozen countries and languages. Responding to consumer need, Reuters delivered hard, fast and live. Producing footage hours before other news outlets, Reuters clients were served first. 

Boris is back, back again

British Parliament continues to convulse under the strain of Brexit negotiations and, what some have called, a democratic crisis. In the wake of an unfavourable Supreme Court decision, Boris has returned to the very parliament he suspended (much to the chagrin of many British and European onlookers). 

A forceful, angry and jet-lagged Boris sparked international controversy by seeming to make light of the death of a murdered lawmaker in 2016- a shaky start for the PM. Capturing the drama as it unfolded, Reuters delivered critical soundbites within a tight turn around, not to mention the careful curation of the interminable shenanigans of British parliament.